The Eir Ball Advantage

The alarming trend of injuries among female soccer players inspired Majken Gilmartin in 2008 to take a deeper look at the effect a size 5 soccer ball had on the U15-U21 players she was coaching.

In collaboration with scientists, she embarked on a mission to design a specialized ball for female players to make the game safer and faster. The new design, with its reduced size (4,5) and weight (370g) , provides better balance, reduces knee stress, decreases head acceleration during headers, and allows for faster play and longer passes.

In collaboration with UNDP, we created the official SDG ball in 2015, proudly displaying all 17 icons of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Eir's other ball designs promote important causes such as “women's right to vote”, as well as aid to refugee women in Denmark and Afghanistan.

Research: Ability, Confidence and Desire

  • 50% of the players find the EIR Ball better vis-a-vis a standard 5 ball.

  • 86% of all respondents respond positively to the Eir ball.

  • 66% think it is more fun to play with the Eir ball.

  • 60% want to continue to play with the Eir ball.

  • 53% say that playing with the Eir Ball is a special experience.

Video Library: About the EIR Ball

The New York Times: Selling a Smaller Soccer Ball

Weekendavisen: Kvindebolde / The Women’s Ball (Danish and English in link)

  • If a specific player ...

    … is able to kick a standard size 5 ball 33 meters, then the same player can kick the Eir ball 37.4 meters (13% longer).

  • A 20-meter pass ...

    … (not touching the ground) will take 0.91 seconds with a standard size 5 ball and 0.85 seconds (6% less) with an Eir ball.

  • Ball speed is higher ...

    … when kicking the Eir ball vis-à-vis a standard size 5 ball (23.9 m/s vs. 22.5 m/s) – given no difference in the foot speed.

The Eir Ball Collection

  • WEURO 2022. Together with Denmark’s Mads Nørgaard we have designed a football to celebrate the UEFA Women's EURO 2022. Printed on the football are Global Goal 5 for Gender Equality and Global Goal 16 for Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions. 

  • The VOTE Ball (2020) by Hope Gangloff. Her work is represented by the Susan Inglett Gallery in New York. Find more here:

  • The SDG Ball (2015): Supports UN/UNDP and partners in spreading the 17 Global Goals.

  • Pigernes Stemme (Girls voices) (2016): Supported the biggest research project of youth girl football in Denmark. Created together with Copenhagen University, TrygFonden and the Danish Football Association DBU.

  • Do Democracy (2015): Celebrates women’s right to vote in Denmark and across the world. Created with Copenhagen Distortion, the Danish Government and former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. She is the first woman to hold this post.

  • Good Luck (2014): Supporting football camps for refugee women in Denmark. Created together with Danish fashion brand GANNI.

  • Karma (2013): An initiative supporting performances by girl refugees from Afghanistan and other war torn countries in cooperation with US State Department. Changing the world through sport and music. (orange ball). Created with Hummel and Roskilde Music Festival.

  • Art Rebels (2012): Raised funds and awareness for Red Cross Asylum United, the first women’s refugee soccer league. Created with Art Rebels, Hummel and Roskilde Music Festival.

  • Sensational Black (2011): Raised funds for an Afghan women’s and men’s national team bus. Created with Hummel.

  • Sensational 1 (2008)